Learning goals

The putting out there, or just down on paper, actual goals can be a tricky concept.  It can appear to give a finality and immovable concreteness to the goals that feels very rigid, often in a, “now I’ve told someone I’ll have to do it” way.  Is to deviate now seen as failure?  Even though I know (and advise others regularly) that all goals evolve, can appear different on different days or completely change I have prevaricated about writing these down.  This week though I read a letter from Hunter S. Thompson where he advises on seeking to understand your self and the path, as opposed to be being defined by the goal.

So in that vein I’m putting down some learning goals here, as they are now.  In the full knowledge that they may change because of things I learn or because others influence my thinking about what they should be.  I’ve used the fab tools over at Enrol Yourself to frame my thinking so much thanks there.  Over the next 6 months I am going to spend time learning about:

  • What are the major factors influencing the shape of the global economy in the next 50 years – eg climate change, technology, migration?
  • What are the alternative economic models that would support a fairer society, with a focus on gender equality?
    • Kinda implies a base understanding of the orthodox and dominant models, with a bit of history of how we got here thrown in (once a historian…..)
  • What are the steps that will get us to these models?
  • What am I doing to inform and develop that change now?
    • Can I find my voice to articulate competently, boldly and simply my understanding of the role of economics in our lives, and the changes I want (or basically having an opinion and putting it out there)
    • What kind of ‘experiments’ or smaller-scale things could I create or get involved with that support this?
    • How does this understanding influence and present in all other aspects of my life – work, pleasure, family?

There are a whole heap of other related elements here around improving my connections and relationships with people, getting better at technology use in a number of ways, practicing my working out loud practice – but they are all tools I will be using and I can comment on those as I go along.

Right now I’m feeling like I haven’t given this enough structure, but I’m leaving it there for today.


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